Friday, November 15, 2013



November 15, 2013 at 11:14am
So I "un-friended" from a (Real Time) Friend on Facebook last night.
He became angry with me when I checked again the source of a post He was making on his Timeline.
I pointed this out again, that He needs to check the Source if it's a website that isn't MSNBC or NPR, etc. In both Cases, they had a link to the FB Page, with all kinds of Crazy Right Wing and/or Tea Party Nuts.
I made yet another attempt to point this out, to my Gay Liberal Hippie Burner Left Wing Friend,
He resorted to being Stubborn and said: "Why don't You delete me", so I did.
Afterwards, I again, Have Tried to let him know, He's Broadcasting to his timeline the Opposite of His own Real Nature.We ALL have a responsibility to check out our Sources and NOT to Post Miss-Information.
I've had friends point out when I post something that wasn't correct info, I myself, Thank Them,
and DELETE the Miss-Information.

I feel sad that I lost a friend, but a True Friend lets his friend know He's broadcasting info not True!